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My big tit wife, fully nude about to get laid

My big tit wife, fully nude about to get laid

She’s about to lay back on that bed where me and her boss fucked her brains out. Should we share pics from that?

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30 Comments for My big tit wife, fully nude about to get laid

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  1. Pj on March 12, 2025: (Reply)

    Well then go get some……ya lucky fucker

  2. Anonymous on March 11, 2025: (Reply)


  3. Rodger on March 11, 2025: (Reply)

    I would so love to bone your sexy ass! Does hubby ever let you do meetups? I want to drain my balls in you so damn bad 🔥.

  4. Anonymous on March 10, 2025: (Reply)

    I’ll admit the tits are pretty good. If they came out at a party I’d be good with that. We’ll leave it at that.

  5. TheOtherSideOfTheCoin on March 10, 2025: (Reply)

    Ohhh the promise of pictures … let’s see if he makes us eat our words or has excuses to not post or disappears. Place your bets….

  6. Josh on March 9, 2025: (Reply)

    I would like to see you laid back in that bed with an opened up pussy shot. I definitely would fuck you if given the opportunity.❤️

  7. Anonymous on March 9, 2025: (Reply)

    Shave her pussy

  8. Anonymous on March 9, 2025: (Reply)

    Yes share those pics !!!

  9. Eric on March 8, 2025: (Reply)

    Let me have a go with her
    I want to cum in all her holes

  10. Married couple on March 8, 2025: (Reply)

    We love to see those pictures can we join you or trade pictures wilsonpeter779@yahoo.com

  11. Canuck on March 8, 2025: (Reply)

    Love to see those pics of you and her boss banging her silly. Love to join you guys as an additional cock for this hottie big tit wife. She looks very sexy. Nice big sexy tits. Sexy tummy. Pretty face. Love to see, and taste, her shaved pussy. Love to tag team her and spit roast her. Very hot fantasy. Age? Bust size? Does she enjoy facials?

    • Anonymous on March 9, 2025: (Reply)

      Don’t leave the cabin much I guess

      • Canuck on March 9, 2025: (Reply)

        Hey Anonymous, I leave the cabin plenty and get more pussy than you do I am guessing. This is a sexy built woman I find attractive. Remember what your Momma said, “…if you don’t have anything nice to say…” so zip it.

        • MindlessEntertainement on March 11, 2025: (Reply)

          In defense of Canuck he has commented favorably on posts of my wife, she and this women are completely different. He is probably the most open person to any body type on here. You go Cancuk. Type type type and enjoy yourself.

          • Canuck on March 12, 2025: ()

            Thanks for the support. I try to be very respectful of the incredible women that post on this site. I never make bad comments and I always give a 4+ rating. I don’t comment unless I like what I see. My taste may not align with others, but that’s my business. Be respectful of the women on this site and those who appreciate their female form.

  12. Big Bill on March 8, 2025: (Reply)

    She is beautiful, you’re one lucky man! Please share pictures of you and her boss fucking her brains out.

  13. Anonymous on March 8, 2025: (Reply)

    Yeah share pics of you two destroying that fucking pig.

  14. Inspector Cleuso on March 8, 2025: (Reply)

    Really ???
    First you say she’s about to get laid ,
    Then with same picture, you say she had her brains fucked out !!
    Doesn’t add up …. Eh. ?

    • Anonymous on March 8, 2025: (Reply)

      I guess reading is not your strong suit, Eh

      • IC on March 9, 2025: (Reply)

        My Reading skills are perfect. It’s the processing of BS that I excel on .
        Would you like that explained with pictures so you can understand it better

    • Kendle.fullerton95@gmail.com on March 8, 2025: (Reply)

      Yup, dude probably just found them online

      • IC on March 8, 2025: (Reply)

        Yeah, are weThe only switched on guys on here. ?? 😂
        I bet those pics of hubby and boss fucking her brains out never materialise 🤔

  15. Cheap Sunglasses on March 7, 2025: (Reply)

    She is natural and Amazing, I am begging to see her natural blonde bush.

  16. Kendle.fullerton95@gmail.com on March 7, 2025: (Reply)

    Why do you need to ask?

  17. Anonymous on March 7, 2025: (Reply)

    Definitely like to see a big leaking creampie

  18. Houston on March 7, 2025: (Reply)

    Absolutely, the more cum the better.

  19. Robert on March 7, 2025: (Reply)

    Mmm Susie I just unloaded my balls fantasizing I was in that bed with you pumping this nut deep inside your hot wet pussy.Your post make me so damn horny can’t wait to see some more.😘

  20. Sean on March 7, 2025: (Reply)

    Yes, definitely

  21. Mrtboswell@yahoo.com on March 7, 2025: (Reply)

    Oh FUCK yesssssss! I would LOVE to see those pics! Mmmmmmmm … she looks YUMMY! Thanks for sharing m, and I really would love to see more of her!

  22. Anonymous on March 7, 2025: (Reply)

    Love to see that a day would be great

Comment on My big tit wife, fully nude about to get laid?